Level 60, Paladin
DKP Information
Benutzer | Erhalten | Ausgegeben | Anpassungen | Aktuell | Raids (30 Tage) | Raids (60 Tage) | Raids (90 Tage) | Raids (Lebenszeit) |
Denel | 1700.00 | 1662.00 | 0.00 | 38.00 | 90% (53/59) | 77% (84/109) | 56% (100/180) | 64% (644/1010) |
... 1 Einträge gefunden |
Datum | Name | Notiz | Wert |
01.30.24 | Classic - Plane of Fear - Hourly | 01.30.24 PoF Hourly (2) | 2.00 |
01.30.24 | Classic - Plane of Fear - Hourly | 01.30.24 PoF Hourly (1) | 2.00 |
01.29.24 | Classic - Noble Dojorn | 01.29.24 Noble Dojorn | 1.00 |
01.29.24 | Classic - Plane of Hate - Hourly | 01.29.24 PoH Hourly (2) | 2.00 |
01.29.24 | Classic - Plane of Hate - Hourly | 01.29.24 PoH Hourly (1) | 2.00 |
01.29.24 | Classic - Lady Vox | 01.29.24 Lady Vox | 5.00 |
01.28.24 | Classic - Noble Dojorn | 01.28.24 Noble Dojorn | 1.00 |
01.28.24 | Classic - Plane of Hate - Hourly | 01.28.24 PoH Hourly (2) | 2.00 |
01.28.24 | Classic - Maestro of Rancor | 01.28.24 Maestro of Rancor | 2.00 |
01.28.24 | Classic - Plane of Hate - Hourly | 01.28.24 PoH Hourly (1) | 2.00 |
... 591 Einträge gefunden / 10 werden angezeigt |
Datum | Käufer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Wert |
05.31.24 | Denel | Bag of the Tinkerers | Kunark - Master Yael | default | 126.00 |
03.21.24 | Denel | Treasure Hunter`s Satchel | Classic - Lord Nagafen | default | 90.00 |
02.07.24 | Denel | Lustrous Russet Breastplate | Classic - Plane of Fear - Hourly | default | 80.00 |
03.29.24 | Denel | Kavruul`s Mystic Pouch | Classic - Lady Vox | default | 70.00 |
10.11.24 | Denel | Yunnb's Earring | Kunark - VP - Phara Dar | default | 60.00 |
08.28.24 | Denel | Shroud of Veeshan | Kunark - VP - Phara Dar | default | 55.00 |
03.24.24 | Denel | Shield of Rainbow Hues | Classic - Cazic Thule | default | 50.00 |
07.05.24 | Denel | Blazing Vambraces | General - Epic Assistance | default | 50.00 |
07.29.24 | Denel | Blazing Greaves of Fennin Ro | General - Epic Assistance | default | 50.00 |
08.13.24 | Denel | Pulsating Gem | Kunark - VP - Nexona | default | 50.00 |
... 79 Einträge gefunden / 10 werden angezeigt |
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