• Friday, January 17. 2025 17:44



So you are interested in finding out more about a guild that has a name that makes you suspicious about their longevity. Welcome! 

We are currently in high need of the following classes:
Cleric, Rogue, Enchanter, Wizard, Druid.

We are currently in low need of the following classes: None

We do not limit our applicants to those classes so feel free to apply regardless. Applicants earn DKP from their first day and are able to spend that DKP as soon as they earn it. The application period (30 days) is really there for us as a guild to get to know you. We want to raid with people that are like minded and not the scourge of the server. You'd think that would be an easy hurdle to jump and it is. 

In order to apply there are a few things your have to do:

  1. Read over our Policy Document to make sure you understand what you are getting into and what is expected of you.
  2. Join the Discord!
  3. Create a user account on this very website. You can do this right now!
  4. Burnie (the bot) will send you a message about getting your application started.
    1. Sometimes Burnie gets sleepy. If he doesn't send you a message immediately he's probably offline. Poke an officer to be notified when Burnie is awoken from his deep slumber at which point you will send Burnie a DM of /apply.
  5. Once you have sent Burnie an /apply and filled out your application, an officer will activate your account on this website.
  6. With your shiny new log in, you will create all the characters you plan on being guilded. They must be on the website for you to be guilded. Your user does not count as a character.
  7. An officer will reach out to set up a time to invite you into the guild. Being in accessible zones helps! Think port zones or EC. 

Although this will not apply to the vast majority of applicants, please note that an application to join the guild is may be declined at any point. This including, but not limited to, your reputation on the server or how you are treating others. We are all here to have fun. If you put that fun in danger, or create a large amount of extra work for officers, you are probably not getting in. Drama Llamas need not apply. We are already at our max.

Good luck and we hope to see you in game!