Level 60, Enchanter
DKP Information
Benutzer | Erhalten | Ausgegeben | Anpassungen | Aktuell | Raids (30 Tage) | Raids (60 Tage) | Raids (90 Tage) | Raids (Lebenszeit) |
Mortuous | 1519.00 | 973.00 | 0.00 | 546.00 | 0% (0/59) | 0% (0/108) | 0% (0/171) | 40% (490/1210) |
... 1 Einträge gefunden |
Datum | Name | Notiz | Wert |
01.21.24 | Classic - Plane of Fear - Hourly | 01.21.24 PoF Hourly (1) | 2.00 |
01.21.24 | Classic - Lady Vox | 01.21.24 Lady Vox | 5.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly | 01.20.24 PoS Hourly (7) | 3.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Bazzt Zzzt | 01.20.24 Bazzt Zzzt | 5.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly | 01.20.24 PoS Hourly (6) | 3.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly | 01.20.24 PoS Hourly (5) | 3.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly | 01.20.24 PoS Hourly (4) | 3.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly | 01.20.24 PoS Hourly (3) | 3.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly | 01.20.24 PoS Hourly (2) | 3.00 |
01.20.24 | Classic - Noble Dojorn | 01.20.24 Noble Dojorn | 1.00 |
... 422 Einträge gefunden / 10 werden angezeigt |
Datum | Käufer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Wert |
10.22.24 | Mortuous | Token of Liberation | Classic - Bazzt Zzzt | default | 1.00 |
10.22.24 | Mortuous | Darkstone Emerald | Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly | default | 1.00 |
10.21.24 | Mortuous | Peacebringer | Kunark - Trakanon | default | 3.00 |
10.16.24 | Mortuous | Rod of Infinite Thought | Classic - Innoruuk | default | 1.00 |
10.08.24 | Mortuous | Mana Robe | Kunark - Trakanon | default | 76.00 |
09.18.24 | Mortuous | Robe of the Azure Sky | Kunark - VP - Phara Dar | default | 102.00 |
08.31.24 | Mortuous | Robe of Smothering | Kunark - VP - Silverwing | default | 1.00 |
08.13.24 | Mortuous | Undead Dragon Sinew | Kunark - Trakanon | default | 11.00 |
08.10.24 | Mortuous | Shissar Focus Staff | Kunark - VP - Druushk | default | 1.00 |
08.07.24 | Mortuous | Tolapumj's Robe | Kunark - Trakanon | default | 2.00 |
... 42 Einträge gefunden / 10 werden angezeigt |
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