![Shadow Knight class 11](/games/eq/icons/classes/11.png)
Level 51, Shadow Knight
DKP Information
Benutzer | Erhalten | Ausgegeben | Anpassungen | Aktuell | Raids (30 Tage) | Raids (60 Tage) | Raids (90 Tage) | Raids (Lebenszeit) |
Cairon | 2072.00 | 1951.00 | 0.00 | 121.00 | 22% (13/59) | 16% (16/101) | 13% (21/164) | 62% (741/1204) |
... 1 Einträge gefunden |
Datum | Käufer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Wert |
08.24.24 | Slashie | Incarnadine Breastplate | Kunark - Faydedar | default | 1.00 |
08.01.24 | Slashie | Throneblade of the Ykesha | General - Epic Assistance | default | 1.00 |
07.20.24 | Slashie | Incarnadine Boots | General - Epic Assistance | default | 1.00 |
07.20.24 | Slashie | Poison Wind Censer | Kunark - Trakanon | default | 1.00 |
... 4 Einträge gefunden |
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