• Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2024 18:30

Item-Historie 12326


Datum Käufer Name Raid Itempool Wert
18.10.24 Larsing Katana of Flowing Water Phara Dar default 1.00
18.10.24 Consequence Shield of Elders Phara Dar default 1.00
18.10.24 Difficult Pulsating Gem Nexona default 15.00
18.10.24 Kondor Pulsating Gem Nexona default 15.00
18.10.24 Kyouma Bo Staff of Trorsmang Nexona default 40.00
18.10.24 Takoclerik Spell: Divine Intervention Nexona default 1.00
18.10.24 Gulobara Razor Sharp Short Sword Xygoz default 1.00
18.10.24 Difficult Smoldering Cudgel Xygoz default 1.00
18.10.24 Tolaris Left Eye of Xygoz Xygoz default 1.00
18.10.24 Rhiari Spear of Constriction Xygoz default 1.00