• Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2024 21:40

Item-Historie 12283


Datum Käufer Name Raid Itempool Wert
02.11.24 Chevonne Cloak of Flames Epic Assistance default 61.00
02.11.24 Heugh A Singed Scroll Epic Assistance default 5.00
02.11.24 Takoclerik A Singed Scroll Epic Assistance default 1.00
02.11.24 Meanie A Singed Scroll Epic Assistance default 2.00
02.11.24 Aenia Pod of Seawater Faydedar default 1.00
02.11.24 Sutex Kavruul`s Mystic Pouch Faydedar default 15.00
02.11.24 Cuggin Shield of the Water Dragon Faydedar default 13.00
02.11.24 Cuggin A Singed Scroll Epic Assistance default 6.00
02.11.24 Clerin A Singed Scroll Epic Assistance default 10.00
02.11.24 Fretting Incarnadine Breastplate Epic Assistance default 1.00