• Montag, 2. Dezember 2024 09:34

Item-Historie 12283


Datum Käufer Name Raid Itempool Wert
26.10.24 Beercules Mask of Fright Epic Assistance default 15.00
26.10.24 Destroyed Kylong War Helm Epic Assistance default 0.00
26.10.24 Destroyed Blue Crystal Staff Epic Assistance default 0.00
26.10.24 Destroyed Wand of Mana Tapping Epic Assistance default 0.00
26.10.24 Ampersand Wand of Mana Tapping Epic Assistance default 1.00
26.10.24 Destroyed Kedge Cave Crystals Epic Assistance default 0.00
26.10.24 Burnbank Rod of Oblations Epic Assistance default 0.00
26.10.24 Destroyed Mirror of Self-loathing Epic Assistance default 0.00
26.10.24 Icarium Spirit Wracked Urn Epic Assistance default 90.00
26.10.24 Krot Token of Liberation Epic Assistance default 1.00