First Patch Finished!
We've officially killed all available boss mobs in the current era! Congrats to our first recipients of dragon loot. Here are some highlights.
Grats Jaskierthebard!
Grats on your financial debt Mosrael & Tucklicious!!
Grats Ande!
Grats Atlaas!
Now some kill shots for those wanting some fomo. Both fights went smoothly with Nagafen having zero deaths!
Now to grow fat and well adorned until we get out butts handed to us in Plane of Sky. Happy Holidays everyone!
Mixed Feelings in Fishland
Time for a bad news sandwich! Lets start with the good news. Congrats to Sploogey on our first Water staff!
Now listen. Our second outing in Kedge Keep for Phinigel had some hiccups. Mostly that we brought Atlaas. (This may be entirely incorrect, I wasn't there, but I'm almost positive it's what happened.
We did get it though. Congrats everyone on our second fish king kill! More staffs to come! More exclamation points!!!