Kunark - VP - Phara Dar, February 5. 2025 19:37
Attendees 25
Items 3
Buyer | Name | Itempool | Droprate | Value |
Obione | Robe of the Azure Sky | default | 0 % | 90.00 |
Nonagrey | Shroud of Veeshan | default | 0 % | 25.00 |
Hardstop | The Sword of Rile | default | 0 % | 1.00 |
Class Distribution | Loot Distribution |
Class Distribution
Class | Percent | Attendees |
Enchanter | Amaya | |
Bard | Avitar, Habaneristones, Larsing, Soundtrack | |
Rogue | Cornpop, Seulgi | |
Cleric | Cuggin, Kirbi, Obione | |
Wizard | Frozone | |
Monk | Gnarlox, Gremlin, Nonagrey, Xues | |
Shadow Knight | Hardstop | |
Warrior | Hashtag, Mild | |
Magician | Kilonsyt | |
Shaman | Nebogipfel, Tamok | |
Ranger | Oroshot, Zalzeena | |
Necromancer | Scarmiblione, Torment |