Benutzer: Deeprest
Keine Kommentare vorhanden
Charaktere 5
Raidbeteiligungs-Historie 375
Datum | Name | Notiz | Wert |
01.06.24 | Classic - Cazic Thule | 01.06.24 Cazic Thule | 10.00 |
01.10.24 | Classic - Innoruuk | 01.10.24 Innoruuk | 10.00 |
01.13.24 | Classic - Lord Nagafen | 01.13.24 Lord Nagafen | 10.00 |
01.14.24 | Classic - Lady Vox | 01.14.24 Lady Vox | 10.00 |
01.14.24 | Classic - Cazic Thule | 01.14.24 Cazic Thule | 10.00 |
12.07.23 | Classic - Lady Vox | 12.07.23 Lady Vox | 15.00 |
12.08.23 | Classic - Lord Nagafen | 12.08.23 Lord Nagafen | 15.00 |
12.11.23 | Classic - Lady Vox | 12.11.23 Lady Vox | 15.00 |
12.11.23 | Classic - Lord Nagafen | 12.11.23 Lord Nagafen | 15.00 |
12.18.23 | Classic - Lady Vox | 12.18.23 Lady Vox | 15.00 |
Item-Kauf-Historie 64
Datum | Käufer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Wert |
08.07.24 | Deeprest | Spell: Emissary of Thule | Kunark - VP - Druushk | default | 1.00 |
08.07.24 | Deeprest | Robe of Adversity | Kunark - VP - Nexona | default | 1.00 |
08.07.24 | Kilrag | Staff of Battle | Kunark - Trakanon | default | 1.00 |
08.04.24 | Deeprest | Shissar Deathspeaker Staff | Kunark - VP - Druushk | default | 75.00 |
08.04.24 | Deeprest | Spell: Devouring Darkness | Kunark - VP - Xygoz | default | 1.00 |
08.04.24 | Deeprest | Spell: Chill Bones | Kunark - VP - Hoshkar | default | 1.00 |
08.04.24 | Deeprest | Spell: Trucidation | Kunark - VP - Hoshkar | default | 3.00 |
08.01.24 | Deeprest | Piece of a medallion (KC) | Kunark - Venril Sathir | default | 1.00 |
08.01.24 | Deeprest | Spell: Sedulous Subversion | Kunark - Trakanon | default | 1.00 |
07.24.24 | Deeprest | Mask of Fright | General - Epic Assistance | default | 165.00 |