User: Legendary
No comments available.
Characters 8
Raid Attendance History 860
Date | Name | Note | Value |
08.16.24 | Kunark - Venril Sathir | 08.16.24 Venril Sathir | 3.00 |
08.14.24 | General - Epic Assistance | 08.14.24 Epic Ass | 2.00 |
08.14.24 | Kunark - Faydedar | 08.14.24 Faydedar | 2.00 |
08.14.24 | Kunark - Severilous | 08.14.24 Severilous | 3.00 |
08.13.24 | Kunark - VP - Nexona | 08.13.24 Nexona | 3.00 |
08.13.24 | Kunark - VP - Druushk | 08.13.24 Druushk | 3.00 |
08.13.24 | Kunark - VP - Xygoz | 08.13.24 Xygoz | 2.00 |
08.13.24 | Kunark - VP - Phara Dar | 08.13.24 Phara Dar | 5.00 |
08.13.24 | Kunark - VP - Silverwing | 08.13.24 Silverwing | 3.00 |
08.13.24 | Kunark - VP - Hoshkar | 08.13.24 Hoshkar | 5.00 |
Item Purchase History 162
Date | Buyer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Value |
03.25.24 | Atlaas | Thickened Nectar | Classic - Plane of Hate - Hourly | default | 1.00 |
06.28.24 | Atlaas | Child's Tear | Classic - Plane of Fear - Hourly | default | 1.00 |
08.16.24 | Atlaas | Spell: Malo | Kunark - VP - Hoshkar | default | 1.00 |
08.25.24 | Atlaas | Spell: Bane of Nife | Kunark - VP - Hoshkar | default | 1.00 |
08.28.24 | Atlaas | Spell: Pox of Bertoxxulous | Kunark - VP - Xygoz | default | 1.00 |
09.21.24 | Atlaas | Spell: Torpor | Kunark - VP - Phara Dar | default | 1.00 |
11.02.24 | Atlaas | Spell: Spirit of the Howler | General - Epic Assistance | default | 1.00 |
11.10.24 | Atlaas | Blackened Iksar bones | Kunark - Venril Sathir | default | 1.00 |
11.16.24 | Atlaas | A Dusty Iksar Skull | General - Epic Assistance | default | 1.00 |
12.20.23 | Sacrifice | Torn, Frost covered book | Classic - Lady Vox | default | 1.00 |