Home Userlist User: Tayshaun User: Tayshaun TayshaunMember Registered on 01.07.24 23:22 Last activity on 01.08.24 13:16 Wall About me Characters Wall CommentsNo comments available. Characters 1 Character name Level Rank Type Events: Classic - Fire Giants - Full ClearClassic - Phinigel AutroposClassic - Lord Nagafen Classic - Lady VoxClassic - Cazic ThuleClassic - InnoruukClassic - DracolicheClassic - Maestro of RancorClassic - TerrorClassic - FrightGeneral - Epic AssistanceClassic - Plane of Sky - HourlyClassic - Plane of Hate - HourlyClassic - Plane of Fear - HourlyGeneral - OtherGeneral - Guild RemovedGeneral - AuctionClassic - Noble DojornClassic - Bazzt ZzztKunark - Master YaelGeneral - EventKunark - TrakanonKunark - Venril SathirKunark - FaydedarKunark - SeverilousKunark - VP - SilverwingKunark - VP - HoshkarKunark - VP - XygozKunark - VP - DruushkKunark - VP - NexonaKunark - VP - Phara DarKunark - TalendorKunark - GorenaireClassic - DreadVelious - DN - ZlandicarVelious - Dain Frostreaver IVVelious - Kael - Derakor the VindicatorVelious - Kael - The Statue of Rallos ZekVelious - Kael - The Idol of Rallos ZekVelious - Kael - The Avatar of WarVelious - Kael - King TormaxVelious - Lord YelinakVelious - WW - SontalakVelious - WW - KlandicarVelious - PoG - TunareVelious - PoG - Mini NamedVelious - WuoshiVelious - WToV - Lendiniara the KeeperVelious - WToV - TelkorenarVelious - WToV - GozzremVelious - Hourly Raid TickVelious - EToV - Dozekar the CursedVelious - NToV - Ikiatar the VenomVelious - NToV - Eashen of the SkyVelious - NToV - AaryonarVelious - NToV - Lord VyemmVelious - NToV - Lord Koi'DokenVelious - NToV - Lady MirenillaVelious - NToV - Vulak`AerrVelious - NToV - ZlexakVelious - NToV - CekenarVelious - NToV - SevalakVelious - NToV - JorlleagVelious - NToV - Lady NevederiaVelious - NToV - Lord KreizennVelious - NToV - Dagarn the DestroyerVelious - NToV - Lord FeshlakVelious - Kelorek`DarVelious - Velketor the SorcererVelious - ST - The ProgenitorVelious - ST - The Final ArbiterVelious - ST - Master of the GuardVelious - ST - Hraashna the WarderVelious - ST - Nanzata the WarderVelious - ST - Tukaarak the WarderVelious - ST - Ventani the WarderDefault Default Raids (30 days) Default Raids (lifetime) Tayshaun 39 Member Main 0.00 0% (0/63) 0% (0/1122) Items Adjustments Raids Raid attendance Raid Attendance History 0 Date Name Note Value Item Purchase History 0 Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value Individual Adjustment History 0 Date Chars Reason Value Icon Event Raids (lifetime) Classic - Fire Giants - Full Clear 0.00% (0/30) Classic - Phinigel Autropos 0.00% (0/22) Classic - Lord Nagafen 0.00% (0/40) Classic - Lady Vox 0.00% (0/39) Classic - Cazic Thule 0.00% (0/35) Classic - Innoruuk 0.00% (0/38) Classic - Dracoliche 0.00% (0/52) Classic - Maestro of Rancor 0.00% (0/35) Classic - Terror 0.00% (0/0) Classic - Fright 0.00% (0/0) General - Epic Assistance 0.00% (0/116) Classic - Plane of Sky - Hourly 0.00% (0/156) Classic - Plane of Hate - Hourly 0.00% (0/81) Classic - Plane of Fear - Hourly 0.00% (0/134) General - Other 0.00% (0/0) General - Guild Removed 0.00% (0/0) General - Auction 0.00% (0/19) Classic - Noble Dojorn 0.00% (0/63) Classic - Bazzt Zzzt 0.00% (0/33) Kunark - Master Yael 0.00% (0/14) General - Event 0.00% (0/4) Kunark - Trakanon 0.00% (0/54) Kunark - Venril Sathir 0.00% (0/53) Kunark - Faydedar 0.00% (0/15) Kunark - Severilous 0.00% (0/14) Kunark - VP - Silverwing 0.00% (0/39) Kunark - VP - Hoshkar 0.00% (0/34) Kunark - VP - Xygoz 0.00% (0/22) Kunark - VP - Druushk 0.00% (0/21) Kunark - VP - Nexona 0.00% (0/20) Kunark - VP - Phara Dar 0.00% (0/42) Kunark - Talendor 0.00% (0/1) Kunark - Gorenaire 0.00% (0/1) Classic - Dread 0.00% (0/0) Velious - DN - Zlandicar 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Dain Frostreaver IV 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Kael - Derakor the Vindicator 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Kael - The Statue of Rallos Zek 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Kael - The Idol of Rallos Zek 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Kael - The Avatar of War 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Kael - King Tormax 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Lord Yelinak 0.00% (0/0) Velious - WW - Sontalak 0.00% (0/0) Velious - WW - Klandicar 0.00% (0/0) Velious - PoG - Tunare 0.00% (0/0) Velious - PoG - Mini Named 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Wuoshi 0.00% (0/0) Velious - WToV - Lendiniara the Keeper 0.00% (0/0) Velious - WToV - Telkorenar 0.00% (0/0) Velious - WToV - Gozzrem 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Hourly Raid Tick 0.00% (0/0) Velious - EToV - Dozekar the Cursed 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Ikiatar the Venom 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Eashen of the Sky 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Aaryonar 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Lord Vyemm 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Lord Koi'Doken 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Lady Mirenilla 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Vulak`Aerr 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Zlexak 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Cekenar 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Sevalak 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Jorlleag 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Lady Nevederia 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Lord Kreizenn 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Dagarn the Destroyer 0.00% (0/0) Velious - NToV - Lord Feshlak 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Kelorek`Dar 0.00% (0/0) Velious - Velketor the Sorcerer 0.00% (0/0) Velious - ST - The Progenitor 0.00% (0/0) Velious - ST - The Final Arbiter 0.00% (0/0) Velious - ST - Master of the Guard 0.00% (0/0) Velious - ST - Hraashna the Warder 0.00% (0/0) Velious - ST - Nanzata the Warder 0.00% (0/0) Velious - ST - Tukaarak the Warder 0.00% (0/0) Velious - ST - Ventani the Warder 0.00% (0/0)